#和平看戏:《Ice Age: Collision Course》

《Ice Age: Collision Course》其实延续前几集的风格,由剑齿松鼠为了宝贝橡子而闯了荒唐的祸。动物们齐心合力让地球避过一场灾难,虽然故事注重在亲子的关系与互动,但对复杂的对白和小孩听不懂的笑话实在难以让小孩乖乖坐着看。

Site of The Day: IWC Skywriter

Time to depart, write messages in the sky and share it with your beloved ones, build the legacy as a skywriter. This interactive flight experience is your personal storytelling, a romantic and whimsical moment to whisk the clouds. SKYWRITER invites you on a trip among clouds, to meet the originals of iconic aviation. It tells… Continue reading Site of The Day: IWC Skywriter