“IS JAPAN COOL? MATSURI” is a content made from a documentary introducing matsuri, Japanese festivals. It includes recordings of these events and interviews. To give more depth to the ambiance, a new song from the world-famous Japanese drums band “KODO” was also recorded in stereophonic sound.
Site of The Day: Citroën Origins
History is at the core of any car brand. In order to make it visible, Citroen partnered with Mullen Lowe One supported by Werkstatt Paris to build the first Museum that gives you the keys of the cars…
#和平看戏:《The Crew》或《Flight Crew》
#和平看戏:《The Crew》(或《Flight Crew》)是一部卖座的俄罗斯电影大片,但是在我们这里可能听都没听过。此次「战斗民族」把自然灾难和空难融合,再加上逼真的特效,简直是水准之作!前40分钟为了交代角色的性格及背景,比较“温和”,但请耐心看,因为之后完全没有冷场,一路紧张到忘了这是一部2小时17分钟的电影!
#和平看戏:《Money Monster》
#和平看戏:《Money Monster》是讲述一名知名的电视财经专家在一场录影当中,被一名听信投资贴士而赔了身家的草民直播中持械绑架。在一轮的沟通和调查后揭发了暗中操盘股价的上市公司总裁。
Site of The Day: invstr
invstr – a new social network for finance bringing you all the financial info you need in a single app. TAKE CHARGE & MAKE CHANGE!
#和平看戏:《Mechanic: Resurrection》
《Mechanic: Resurrection》是由猛男Jason Statham主演的动作片,美女Jessica Alba做花瓶#1,Michelle Yeoh 楊紫瓊花瓶#2,其实这种角色根本不需要她们来演。。。剧情像玩Game一样,被威胁、执行任务、救美女、杀坏人。。。总之主角就是上知天文,下知地理,有肌肉又有内涵,打又打不死,当男友这是一流。。。