Bangkok Taste Restaurant 泰式餐厅 (结束营业了… )

Bangkok Taste : Nasi Goreng America, 下足了料, 我的最爱之一~ Update : July 02, 2009 这间餐厅刚刚在上个月结束营业了,真可惜,又少了一个优质的泰国餐馆了。。。 Posted on : Jan 22, 2009 想享用好吃又廉价的泰国餐吗?你可以到文良港(Genting Kelang)的这家泰国餐厅Restaurant Bangkok Taste。虽然没有很华丽的布置,但胜在食物不错,价格也合理,渐渐地变成我们解决晚餐的热门选择。这里的菜式虽然并不多,但却不乏正宗的泰国菜和Tomyam。各式炒饭或菜肴的味道都不比其他的大型餐厅逊色。

Man Utd 2009-2011 New Home Kits

Not sure how true is this but this is look real (so far…) compare to other rumours version. If this is real, I guess Nike going to redesign this poster as Cristiano Ronaldo joined Real Madrid for £80m and Carlos Tevez looks likely the next to leave Old Trafford. The new Nike shirt design looks… Continue reading Man Utd 2009-2011 New Home Kits

萧闳仁 – 《法克这个人》

最初听到这个专辑的名字,还以为听错了,直到看到报道之后才相信萧闳仁还真“敢”用这样的专辑名称。第一个直觉就是,这首主打歌,《法克这个人》不可能会在电台听到了。哈哈~ 这张专辑,延续了首张专辑的风格,再次让萧闳仁展示他的创作。电台主打曲风轻快的《爱的黑狗兄》,到中快版的《第89键》,忧郁抒情的《我没有错》和《你爱怎样就怎样》都具流行风格。至于“被禁”的《法克这个人》,歌词其实都很正面,只是“法克”这字眼不是每个人都能接受,更何况听到副歌还高唱“法克U~”(我还蛮喜欢这一段的咧,哈哈~),但这首歌是蛮有意思的呢。另外,我特别推荐的一首台语歌《不知》,唱的蛮有感情的,很好听。 [rating:4/5] 送上专辑里几首歌的MV,慢慢欣赏!

How to open/edit Animated Gif in Photoshop CS4

Since Adobe CS3 series, the software to create animated gif, Adobe ImageReady has been discontinued. and most of the core features has been included in Photoshop CS3 and Fireworks Cs3. Since then, animated gif can be easily created from Photoshop. But, if you try to open or edit an animated gif with the normal “Open”… Continue reading How to open/edit Animated Gif in Photoshop CS4

第二章:新生命 | Chapter II: New Born

我们的第一张全家福哟~! 自宝宝出世了之后的第一篇,呵呵~ 就这样,我已成为一个小孩的父亲了!身份变了,生活也开始变了,把他抱在手上的那一刻,才真实的感受到,一个新的生命,我们期待的结晶,呱呱落地了。

Wallpapers Calendar : February 2009

新的一年,新的开始。希望“万象更新”,把过去不好的事物忘掉,迎接新鲜的未来。 在新年期间随手乱拍,结果“幸运”的只剩这张(还可以看的)鲜红的花,乱中有序,红绿谐调,个人还蛮喜欢的,希望能点缀你二月份的电脑桌面 🙂 New year, new start. Hope everyone have a fresh start towards own future. Just took some snapshots during Chinese New Year break, “luckily” there is only one (presentable) photo left for me to made the 2009 February wallpaper. I personally like the harmony of colors and compo kind of “mess in rules”,… Continue reading Wallpapers Calendar : February 2009