Wayne Rooney : Pride | Manchester is Red

Manchester United’s rival Manchester City hired the artist behind Barack Obama’s famous ‘Hope’ campaign poster, Shephard Fairey to create a new Carlos Tevez poster (‘Have you got Pasión?’ ) ahead of Manchester derby (April 17, 2010). United won 1-0 and that inspired me to create “Wayne Rooney | Machester is red” poster as the respond to City Click… Continue reading Wayne Rooney : Pride | Manchester is Red

How to open/edit Animated Gif in Photoshop CS4

Since Adobe CS3 series, the software to create animated gif, Adobe ImageReady has been discontinued. and most of the core features has been included in Photoshop CS3 and Fireworks Cs3. Since then, animated gif can be easily created from Photoshop. But, if you try to open or edit an animated gif with the normal “Open”… Continue reading How to open/edit Animated Gif in Photoshop CS4


隔了半年多之久,才写我在今年三月底到雪邦一级方程式赛车媒体中心工作的感想。全因为本人文笔太烂(文字阻塞症再次发作。。。),停停写写,写写停停,本想干脆不写了,但又觉得这是今年较为难忘的经验,所以还是硬着头皮,“破破烂烂”的写完了,呵呵~ 以下,便是我的《一级回忆录》。。。